Archive for the 'mobility' Category

Nook Tablet vs Kindle Fire: comparing specs

November 7, 2011

Barnes & Noble has added a new 7-inch color tablet to its Nook line, positioning it head-to-head with Amazon’s recently announced Kindle Fire. For $50 over the Kindle Fire’s $199 price, the Nook Tablet offers double the built-in RAM and flash memory, and adds a microSD slot plus a built-in mic.


Survey probes iPad-style tablet use preferences

November 2, 2011

A recent survey probed the reasons why consumers buy iPad-style tablets, and where and how the devices are being used. Interestingly, non-iPad users reported 30 minutes more daily tablet use, on average, than iPad users.

Android smartwatch smackdown!

October 27, 2011

Two startups are about to go “chrono y chrono” with competing Android smartwatch gizmos. The “I’m Watch” exclusively targets smartwatch applications, whereas the “WIMM Platform” is meant to create “a new market of connected wearable devices that deliver timely, relevant information at a glance” — of which smartwatches are but one example.

Netflix now officially supports Android 3.x tablets

October 20, 2011

Netflix has released a new version of its video-streaming app for Android devices that officially adds support for Android 3.x (Honeycomb) tablets. The October 19 release of Netflix app v1.5.0 build 360 also extends Netflix’s Android support to Canada and Latin America for the first time.

RIP Steve Jobs — photos from his street corner

October 8, 2011

A quiet walk by the home of Steve and Laurene Powell Jobs this morning presented the opportunity to share in the outpouring of love, respect, and admiration for one of the greatest technology innovators of our time. Below are some photos that provide a sense of the ongoing spontaneous tribute to Steve from the Palo Alto community and beyond.