Archive for the 'multimedia' Category
What’s NOT going to happen in 2009
December 16, 2008ABI Research’s analysts have published their annual year-end forecast of key technology trends. In light of the looming global recession, however, this year’s prognostication is framed as “What’s NOT Going to Happen in 2009.”
Which kind of tech-savvy consumer are you?
December 11, 2008A recent survey conducted by ABI Research found that there are basically four kinds of tech-savvy adult consumers: (1) Tech-Savvy, TV-Averse; (2) Online, On a Budget; (3) Wireless Women on the Web; and (4) On-the-go Gadgeteers. Which kind are you?
Application processor market growing fast
December 9, 2008The worldwide market for application processors will grow to nearly $2 billion by 2012, fueled by strong demand for smartphones and other mobile devices, predicts The Linley Group.
What’s up with near-field communication?
December 5, 2008Although Near Field Communication (NFC) offers significant benefits for mobile phones, only one NFC-enabled handset has reached market to date, reports market analyst ABI Research. So what’s NFC?