Online program aims to educate transportation leaders

Jul 7, 2010 — views: 20

The regional University Transportation Research Centers (UTRCs) in the U.S. have launched a new distance-learning program to educate “transportation leaders for the 21st century.” The online graduate-level certification program aims to “nurture individuals with potential leadership qualities in both the public and private sectors, and to assist them in moving along the promotion track from excellent technical contributions to management responsibilities and eventually on to leadership roles.”
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IEEE transportation systems conference seeks papers

Jul 7, 2010 — views: 61

The IEEE is soliciting papers for technical presentations at its first international “Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems” (FISTS) conference, to be held in Vienna next June. The event will cover the latest technologies and developments in traffic and transportation within the land, air, and water domains.
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Summit mulls “State of the Connected Vehicle”

Jul 6, 2010 — views: 1

The Second International Summit on the State of the Connected Vehicle will take place Sept. 29-30, 2010 in Troy, Michigan. The event will focus on policy, funding, issues, and strategies to accelerate connected vehicle deployments regionally and internationally.
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Cooperative traffic management project reports success

Jul 3, 2010 — views: 101

The EU’s COOPERS project recently completed extensive field tests of cooperative traffic management systems along heavily traveled motorways in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and the Netherlands. The tests, conducted between January and June, demonstrated success from both the safety and user acceptance perspectives, according to the project.
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Pogoplug becomes printer server

Jun 29, 2010 — views: 3394

Cloud Engines, maker of the Pogoplug, will soon add a new feature to users’ devices free of charge. Once the firmware update is rolled out later this summer, the low cost gadgets will be usable as low-power printer servers, accessible from anywhere via the Internet.
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