What’s NOT going to happen in 2009

Dec 16, 2008 — views: 663

ABI Research’s analysts have published their annual year-end forecast of key technology trends. In light of the looming global recession, however, this year’s prognostication is framed as “What’s NOT Going to Happen in 2009.”
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Which kind of tech-savvy consumer are you?

Dec 11, 2008 — views: 1009

A recent survey conducted by ABI Research found that there are basically four kinds of tech-savvy adult consumers: (1) Tech-Savvy, TV-Averse; (2) Online, On a Budget; (3) Wireless Women on the Web; and (4) On-the-go Gadgeteers. Which kind are you?
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Rolling robot jumps like a grasshopper

Dec 10, 2008 — views: 593

Researchers at the University of Bath (in England) have created a rolling robot that jumps like a grasshopper to avoid obstacles. The robot’s innovative design circumvents the problems of moving over rough terrain, such as that found on the Moon.
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Application processor market growing fast

Dec 9, 2008 — views: 333

The worldwide market for application processors will grow to nearly $2 billion by 2012, fueled by strong demand for smartphones and other mobile devices, predicts The Linley Group.
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Build your own Rubik’s Cube-solving robot

Dec 9, 2008 — views: 30997

After buying a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit for his two daughters, Swedish software developer Hans Andersson couldn’t resist using it to create a Rubik’s Cube-solving robot. Complete instructions for replicating the robot, which typically can solve the puzzle within 6 minutes, are available for download.
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