Archive for the 'robotics' Category

Rolling robot jumps like a grasshopper

December 10, 2008

Researchers at the University of Bath (in England) have created a rolling robot that jumps like a grasshopper to avoid obstacles. The robot’s innovative design circumvents the problems of moving over rough terrain, such as that found on the Moon.

Build your own Rubik’s Cube-solving robot

December 9, 2008

After buying a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit for his two daughters, Swedish software developer Hans Andersson couldn’t resist using it to create a Rubik’s Cube-solving robot. Complete instructions for replicating the robot, which typically can solve the puzzle within 6 minutes, are available for download.

Students’ window-washing robot wins prize

December 1, 2008

An autonomous window-washing robot designed by four Michigan State University students has won first prize in a student design competition sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Researchers patent biobots

November 25, 2008

A team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley has filed a patent application covering “biobots.” The tiny (100 to 300 nanometers) biologically-derived robots are touted as being useful for defense, energy, medical, and consumer electronics applications.

Scientists add emotions to robotic head

November 20, 2008

Claiming that service-class robots will one day be pervasive, researchers at the University of the West of England’s Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) have begun investigating ways to make robots seem more human.