Archive for the 'wireless' Category

Mobile robot packs web-cam, runs eCos

September 16, 2008

Get ready for Rovio, a small three-wheeled mobile robot that offers audio/visual telepresence via its built-in wireless web-cam. An onboard webserver enables access from anywhere in the world, according to WowWee, which plans to ship the product soon.

Bluetooth straps a WiFi rocket to its back

September 9, 2008

Two clever enhancements now in development will allow the ubiquitous — but slow — Bluetooth wireless technology to handle much larger amounts of data at much higher speeds, reports ABI Research.

Spectacular growth forecast for MIDs

September 4, 2008

The Mobile Internet Devices market will grow at the “spectacular” rate of 167 percent compounded annually over the next five years, ABI Research reports.

1.28 billion mobile phones to ship this year

August 31, 2008

The worldwide mobile phone market is on track to ship 1.28 million devices in 2008 despite the current economic slump, according to Gartner. Given an estimated global population of 6.7 billion, that’s roughly one new mobile phone this year for every 5 people on the planet!

The UMPC is dead; long live the netbook!

August 29, 2008

Many of you may recall the March, 2006 launch of the much-hyped “Origami” devices by Microsoft and Intel. How is Origami — dubbed “Ultra Mobile PC” (UMPC) by Intel — doing these days?