What’s playing on the Boxee Box?
Last updated Jun 27, 2011 — 17516 viewsThe Boxee Box reports that over 250 apps are available for streaming multimedia or viewing other content on the device, not counting those that can be obtained from third-party repositories.
On the Boxee Box, you can browse the extensive set of apps by app popularity or by category. You can also designate as many apps as “favorites” as you like, making it quick-and-easy to launch the ones you use most frequently.
The screenshots below, extracted from our latest Boxee Box Screenshot Tour, show the launch icons for more than 250 Boxee Box apps. Using the screenshots, you can explore the wide selection of available apps. Also, following the screenshots you’ll find a list around 200 of the available apps, including links to many of their content sources, where you can learn more about what they have to offer.
Click the thumbnails below for larger images.

Contents of the Boxee Box’s apps library
(click thumbnails to enlarge)
Boxee Box apps list from Boxee’s website
Boxee’s currently published list, sorted by popularity, appears below (Boxee notes that some popular apps show up near the bottom of the list due to being recent additions)…
- Pandora
- Netflix
- Boxee Browser
- YouTube
- Revision3
- MTV Music
- We Are Hunted
- The Big Picture
- Clicker
- Funny or Die
- Justin.TV
- Digg
- Flickr
- Shoutcast Radio
- Last.FM
- Wired
- Kidmango
- Crunchyroll
- Fora.TV
- Picasa
- Facebook Photos
- Geekbrief.TV
- Fail Blog
- Tumblr
- Ted Talks
- Crackle
- Radiotime
- Collegehumor
- 1cast Video News
- MyPlay
- Vimeo
- Speed
- Current
- Boing Boing TV
- Google Videos
- Twixiee
- Boxee BetaLive
- Hot For Words
- Video Podcasts
- Redux
- Onion News Network
- Auto-Tune the News
- G4TV
- Reddit TV
- Open University
- Earth-Touch
- Open Courseware
- The Guild
- ABC7 News
- Peter Coffin
- The Daily Kitten
- Escapist
- Next New Networks
- Noggin By Nick
- Howcast
- Dropboxee
- IGN Video
- NBA.com
- Mevio
- Songza
- LOL Cats
- Pure Pwnage
- Happy Tree Friends
- Keep In Shape
- Style.com
- Blip.TV
- Associated Press
- On Networks
- Audio Podcasts
- Koldcast.TV
- Qubo
- Cookingon Boxee
- Jamendo
- Geek.com
- Wheels TV
- 4th Kind
- Showtime Podcasts
- Internet Archive
- Myspace TV
- The Wolfman
- Rocketboom
- So ein ding
- Engadget
- Watchmojo
- Newsbox(ee)
- Amie Street
- DP Challenge
- Eguiders
- The Radio Control Show
- Research Channel
- Getback Retro Video
- Big Ten
- BiteTV
- Dula TV
- The Hiking Channel
- Reboot Video
- Stuffwelike
- Pokerstars.TV
- White House
- Wizard Media
- The Philip Defranco Show
- Dorm Life
- The Ride Show
- AntiquesTV
- Django Media
- Khan Academy
- Nsyght
- Style.com Video
- Cool Hunting
- Envoye Special
- Obama’s Weekly Address
- WellcomeMat
- Story Line Online
- France Televisions
- Kure TV
- Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show
- Techstars TV
- Ad Blitz
- La Blogotheque
- Poptech
- Magnify.net
- Thru You
- Hardtmes Ze Frank
- Lp33.TV
- Man in the Box
- RSS Feeds
- Scanwiches
- C’est Dans L’air
- Barats and Berta
- Joystiq Podcast
- Funcentral TV
- Railcasts
- CBC the Nation
- The Cobra Snake
- Project Lore
- Epic Battle Cry
- Winksound
- Andpop
- Dechbox
- Kompoz.com
- Fog City Wrestling
- Pwndcast.com
- Designguide.TV
- Crunch Time
- State of the Union
- Break
- Bass Edge Pro Tips
- The Edge Podcast
- Techpodcasts.com
- Content Power House
- Katpod.dk
- Jack Rice in The Crosshairs
- One Minute
- My Damn Channel
- Itertulia Podcast
- Iran Election Photos
- Websmagning.dk
- Megavideo
- Know Your Meme
- Magma
- French TV on Boxee
- DR Video podcast
- NoobToob
- Feed Me Bubbe
- Insanely Great Mac HD
- NHL Game Central
- Seespan
- Wolfgang’s Vault
- SF4Tube
- The Engadget Show
- 1938 Media
You can always find the latest updated list on Boxee’s website, here.
Installing apps from third-party repositories
To find out how to add even more apps, obtained from third-party repositories, go here.