Archive for the 'multimedia' Category

Netflix pwns Boxee Box play/pause button

December 7, 2011

Netflix has just consumed the Boxee Box remote control’s play/pause button. The only thing the bright red Netflix button will do now is launch the Netflix app, no matter what the box had been doing.

Boxee Box gains live broadcast TV (soon)

November 16, 2011

Boxee Box users will soon be able to play live broadcast TV channels, with the addition of an inexpensive USB HDTV-tuner dongle. “Boxee Live TV” will be supported by a Boxee Box v1.5 software update.


Nook Tablet vs Kindle Fire: comparing specs

November 7, 2011

Barnes & Noble has added a new 7-inch color tablet to its Nook line, positioning it head-to-head with Amazon’s recently announced Kindle Fire. For $50 over the Kindle Fire’s $199 price, the Nook Tablet offers double the built-in RAM and flash memory, and adds a microSD slot plus a built-in mic.


Boxee updates Boxee for iPad app to v1.2

November 3, 2011

Boxee has released a v1.2 update to its Boxee for iPad app. One big enhancement is the addition of a limited set of Boxee Box remote control capabilities from directly within the iPad app.

Survey probes iPad-style tablet use preferences

November 2, 2011

A recent survey probed the reasons why consumers buy iPad-style tablets, and where and how the devices are being used. Interestingly, non-iPad users reported 30 minutes more daily tablet use, on average, than iPad users.